Celebrating Advent
My nice red rosy apple, has a secret all unseen... "Advent, advent a candle burns First one, then two, then three then four Their stands the child...
My nice red rosy apple, has a secret all unseen... "Advent, advent a candle burns First one, then two, then three then four Their stands the child...
Consider creating a Halloween costume with your child this year! It's easy to do with playsilks. They are versatile, eco-friendly, and encourage i...
The New Silk Road From Suzhou to Sonoma By Mike Lee Legend says a Princess, daughter of the Yellow Emperor in China discovered silk when a cocoon f...
What are String Games? String games are one of the oldest games in human history, involving creating various string figures, either individuall...
Abacuses Animal Harnesses Acupuncture Chopsticks Compasses Crossbows Dominoes Forks Fireworks Jump ropes Kites Ice Cream Ink Ma...
Here is a link to a good place to buy some silk worm eggs. It is a very fun project to do with kids, at home or in a classroom. The caterpillars a...
Our dear office dog, Talula. Here she is wearing a mini-rainbow playsilk, running through our abundant dandelion field. She is a Havanese dog, or...
In early spring, thousands of families in rural China are trekking into fields to strip the last mulberry leaves from the trees. Mulberry leaves ...
There is so much beauty and magic in childhood. Why not capture little bits of your day with your child and place them on a small table with perhap...
Shi-shi is a mulberry fairy. She lives in a mulberry tree in Suzuo,China on a branch of a very tall mulberry tree. From her perch she watches her ...